Resources for Oregon Families

When conducting a search for child care in Oregon, understanding the difference between the types of child care available for your family is important. You may prefer a center-based structure for your child, where the care is in a facility and has larger groups of children. Or, you may prefer a family-based center where the care is in a private home and has fewer children. Within these two options, there are licensed care and license-exempt care.

Types of Child Care

Center Based Child Care


Center-Based Child Care

Home Based Child Care


Home-Based Child Care

Licensed and License Exempt Care


Licensed Child Care


License Exempt Child Care


The Child Care Safety Portal is a resource for parents and families to check the most updated information on the status of licensed child care programs in Oregon. The Portal lets families search for a child care provider and view their licensing history over a period of time. Parents can explore the site to determine the best child care for their children. The Finding Quality Child Care Guide can be found here and includes quality child care indicators to help inform families.

Visit DELC's Page for More Information
If you have any question, please contact the DELC Child Care Licensing Division via:

or Phone: 1-800-556-6616


Spark Rated Programs

Learning is a lifelong process that starts at birth. Quality early care and education programs are important to support your child’s development.

Spark is a statewide resource that is improving the quality of child care in Oregon. It is a voluntary system of supports that helps early learning professionals build on what they are already doing well – giving children positive experiences. Spark builds on Oregon licensing standards and focuses on key areas which research shows have a big impact on children’s growth, health, and well-being.

Go to the Oregon Spark Website
To find out more visit Oregon’s Spark.

Additional Resources